Training Program: Create and Manage Your Website

This three-day training aims to teach you, in a simple and practical way, all the steps necessary to set up and manage a website to present your business.

At the end of the training you will have designed and put your own website online and will be able to manage and update it yourself.

Many professionals want to have a simple and dynamic website, but the creation and maintenance costs are often too high, and do not allow you to manage the website yourself.

In this training, participants will be able to design their own website with free and easy-to-use software:  Joomla 

Joomla is professional content management software licensed under the GNU / GPL, allowing you to quickly and easily create a dynamic website.


  • Understand the basics of creating and maintaining a website step by step
  • Manage your domain name and hosting
  • Learn to use the JOOMLA administration interface
  • Create and publish a 5-page website to present your company and its products
  • Referencing your website
  • Update its website.
  • Save his site.


This training is aimed particularly at professionals (service providers, traders, etc.) wishing to create and manage their company’s website themselves to present their products.

Basic computer skills are sufficient to tackle this training (basic use of a computer)


The particularity of this method is to allow each participant to learn how to design and manage a site while building their own website.

At the end of the training, it will therefore have an operational website visible on the net.

Each student works directly on their laptop and will develop their own internet project.

Means implemented : Presentation on video projector, internet connection provided.

Educational monitoring : Personalized support adapted to the level of each student

Timesheet. (4 students maximum per training)

Validation procedure : Creation and online posting of a 5-page operational site.